I'll take that 1270 for everything, I do all types of hunting with it and its a BOMB. good on gold rings , deep silver, should say any silver, real deep coins LG's at 11's. Relic's,(iron Brass Bronze) buckles, with the 10.5 coil in a/M's be prepared to dig, Fantastic Machine!!! once you learn it It just click's in, unbelievable in the water, There she goes super DEEP. The 5" coil on the 1270 shoots down then the 5"range. A super stable machine even using high SEN. they put a Reinforcment plate in the control box, also a gasket or Silicone around the box housing, the mod's are list on Fishers web site. You could call Felix and ask about getting them done if you don't have the fix, he might do them out of warranty being a product improve, but don't quote me but it's worth a try. got plenty of tips on 1270,like WV62 said just shoot the questions out there, "Astupid question is the 1 not asked".