Thank you I guess I should frame that Indian Head
My problem with this hobby was mainly with the DFX and the XLT both good hunters and both added a great deal to my collection however the dig everything scenario is archaic to the extreme that's why I am so excited about a detector that I can run over a target and say yup this is silver or OK I have gold here or hey another Indian Head. Disappointingly however I have not found this to be true with the big silver however on the bright side I wouldn't pass up anything above +80 because the majority of silver falls in that range and lets face it a quarter is a quarter so its no so disappointing after all.
What this post is missing is actual hunting in the field and that is what I think some people are forgetting air testing is not the same. Going over a coin taking a photo of the Analyze screen making a note that here is a gold ring and photoing the ring coming out of the ground. The reason I say this is because utilizing the Analyzing screen while the target is in the ground makes all the difference in the world. The uniformity of the readout cannot be mistaken for junk its ether gold or it is not. The 22.5kHz, 7kHz, and the 2.5kHz all fall into a place of stability and uniformity where as a tab and other debris will show discrepancies based on the metal it is made of and if it doesn't I guarantee the VDI readout will. Putting that together with the archaic features that helped us find gold in the past all point toward a greater possibility of detecting gold without having to dig a mountain of trash.
Is this Detector worth the price of admission. It took me two years to find my first gold ring using the DFX granted it was a fantastic ring and I got a lot of good use out of my DFX but only after a few months I'm now holding 6 gold rings plus silver coins I thought I would never see. The first gold ring I pulled I didn't dig it I went to get my family and said watch this and out came a 14k men's band and the same with my first silver merc. I'm just excited that all of us who took this hobby to another level will be able to enjoy pulling targets like we always wanted to.

My problem with this hobby was mainly with the DFX and the XLT both good hunters and both added a great deal to my collection however the dig everything scenario is archaic to the extreme that's why I am so excited about a detector that I can run over a target and say yup this is silver or OK I have gold here or hey another Indian Head. Disappointingly however I have not found this to be true with the big silver however on the bright side I wouldn't pass up anything above +80 because the majority of silver falls in that range and lets face it a quarter is a quarter so its no so disappointing after all.
What this post is missing is actual hunting in the field and that is what I think some people are forgetting air testing is not the same. Going over a coin taking a photo of the Analyze screen making a note that here is a gold ring and photoing the ring coming out of the ground. The reason I say this is because utilizing the Analyzing screen while the target is in the ground makes all the difference in the world. The uniformity of the readout cannot be mistaken for junk its ether gold or it is not. The 22.5kHz, 7kHz, and the 2.5kHz all fall into a place of stability and uniformity where as a tab and other debris will show discrepancies based on the metal it is made of and if it doesn't I guarantee the VDI readout will. Putting that together with the archaic features that helped us find gold in the past all point toward a greater possibility of detecting gold without having to dig a mountain of trash.
Is this Detector worth the price of admission. It took me two years to find my first gold ring using the DFX granted it was a fantastic ring and I got a lot of good use out of my DFX but only after a few months I'm now holding 6 gold rings plus silver coins I thought I would never see. The first gold ring I pulled I didn't dig it I went to get my family and said watch this and out came a 14k men's band and the same with my first silver merc. I'm just excited that all of us who took this hobby to another level will be able to enjoy pulling targets like we always wanted to.