Here is some good information on FC which was posted by Johnnyanglo in the sticky thread at the top of this forum, titled "hunting in trash:"
"Minelab admits that in Ferrous-Coin setting it will not always provide audio response (probably an understatement). Consider that Ferrous-Coin was a signal processing scheme that is designed to sharpen the difference between ferrous from non-ferrous. I think that using this mode in higher mineralization soil (or nail beds), for which it was not designed, will cause the nulling audio to happen. In this case you would be better served to switch to Ground-Coin mode, which I believe is doing a similar subtraction scheme but makes allowance for the stronger ground signal (ferrous signal), which Ferrous-Coin assumes to be negligible.
Generally, for the audio to null and the coin to show only on the TID, the non-ferrous coin signal must be weak (can be deep or masked by iron). In other words, the signal processing is meant to sharpen the non-ferrous, even when they are on-top of each other (according to the Minelab manual page 42). To do that it has to dial down that ferrous signal, which also dials down (somewhat) the non-ferrous signal too. It would work best then when the remaining non-ferrous coin signal after processing is strong enough to drive the audio.
Unfortunately, a lengthwise sweep over a nail over-top of a coin is effectively blocking the coin's interaction with the primary field, and whatever field that is generated by the coin is being bent on the return back into the nail (horizontally bending it along the nail length). A double-whammy coming and going. Thus, very little secondary field is available to destabilize the receive coil - producing a very weak signal even when inches from the coil.
That weak non-ferrous signal is further lost by the ML signal processing using Ferrous-Coin as it tries to reduce the ferrous signal. In the end, the audio processing often will not respond in this situation. The TID plots the weak coin signal - which is moving about depending upon the effectiveness of the nail to redirect the non-ferrous field. The nail is sensitive to sweep angle, so it depends upon how the coil crosses the nail as to how the nail acts as a conduit. The nail is much less effective when swept by the coil short-ways at keeping eddies off the coin. Recall that the DD coil directs the main primary field N-S across the coil center. A W-E iron nail is very effective at nulling all non-ferrous under the coil (up to about 3-4" away) when swept with the primary N-S field (lengthwise).
Just assume that when in Ferrous-Coin when over mod-high mineralized ground (or heavily nail infested soil, which has the same effect) that you're going to have problems with audio nulling. I think the Minelab reply if you asked them would be "why are you using the wrong mode, switch to Ground-Coin".
Johnnyanglo "