I said that for years on the Sovereigns and wish they still made them but a lot lighter.
I dug many of coins with iron next to a coin and one I will never forget is a well worked ball field and went slow with all the bottle caps around and other trash I got small signal in with a null. I wish I could have taken a picture as there was a Franklin half underneath an big bolt and had a nice big rust stain on it. Got a very nice old gold ring under and area loaded with pulltabs where a set of bleacher was sitting and was around 10 inches deep.
The secret is knowing your Sovereign and go slow and listen so you can hear the good target in with trash.
Thanks Rick
Thanks Nauti
I didn't realize how special this machine is.
Excellent info.
The only other machine I have that works in nails.
Is a Tesoro Mojave I picked up not long before they closed.
Darn I'd like a backup one.
Crazy how well it works an old shipping lane beach full of iron ore dust and nails.
After a 100+ years of unloading iron ore.
It loaded with iron like black sands.
Few machines get over a few inches there .
The Sovereign is King there.
Why I sent it to dad in Alaska.
For mineralization.
That iron Beach is in.
Fairport Harbor Ohio.
I want to try the Nel Snake coil for tiny jewelry and hopefully gold nuggets when I get to Alaska.
As to weight
I used an old shoulder purse of the wife's.
Perfect fit with the face just below the top of the purse
At least it Blue. LoL
I cut a hole in the bottom for the coil wire.
Only swinging the coil and 500 meter.
The 500 meter
I picked up used.
Is it worth it to do the 180 conversion ?
Is there a small coil available for the sov like 5" ?
Nel makes a 5" round
And a 3.5×6.5 called the snake.
I'm hoping to one up and give it a swing.