I’ve been away from this forum and all forums for that matter for just that reason. Just decided to come back the other day and bam!! Somebody caught posting a fake find. Recently there was a guy on one of the more local Facebook groups in my area that posted a perfect cannon ball that he found along a river bank. Not a spot of rust on it. Nothing. Looked right out of a museum or more likely a store. Clearly not a dug relic. Looking through the forum today and again, another fake find. Almost certainly not found where the finder says. Probably not even dug but bought. Never understood what motivates people to do that. Especially when it’s obvious. Some of us have been at this hobby for many years and can spot that stuff a mile away. While the newer members don’t give it a second thought. Really puzzling to me. Well, that’s my first, and last, little rant.
Carry on.
Carry on.