And that you had difficulty with a non-icon based detector is not surprising since you lasted about a week with the first T2 you owned, even though you made the following statement on the first day you received it.
"Anyway it is fun to test a machine and I will be very fair with the T2 and give it them time it takes for me to understand it before I judge it."
And within a week it was sold, right? Here's the link for you to refresh your memory:,289379,289379#msg-289379
And hassling people, you made the following absolutist declaratory statement:
"The Xterra and and the T2 are miles apart in how good they are."
I asked you to qualify that statement, under what circumstances, for what purposes, and in what terrain? The answer you gave is generalized mumbo jumbo. Absolutely no documented side by side target comparison in different terrain. So if you consider being challenged on absolutist statements as being hassled, then don't make such inane asinine statements.
In regards to the T2 I have nothing for or against it, it is a piece of electronic gear with it's positives and negatives just like every other detector. Unfortunately you are one of the individuals that can't see beyond the tip of their nose. Whatever detector you hold in favor at the moment(used to be the XL Pro) is declared as the best detector to have. To whit, whoever doesn't blindly agree with "you" is closed minded.
I find it quite humorous that you consider me one of the individuals that takes the fun out of the forums. Especially when you are one of those that are consistently beseeching others to go out and test the latest detectors to help you in choosing a new machine. Yet you're not willing to get off your lazy azz and spend your own time, and money, to go out and provide the forum members with documented reviews of the machines.
So if the T2 is the "best" detector in the world then why do you own two other machines? They should serve no good purpose if the T2 is the "ultimate" detector excelling in all locations, under all conditions, for all target types. Obviously if you are willing to be honest, it does not excel in all matters, and therefore there are other detectors that provide better capabilities. The X-Terra's provide performance & feature capabilities that the T2 lacks, as do the CZ-20, CZ-70, Edge etc.
So why don't you stop being so closed minded and admit that all machines have their positives & negatives? Oh yeah, & Happy New Year!
P.S. I personally edited this post to remove all the deleted expletives and derogatory appellations, and it took a very very long time.