davkeene said:
A "Monotone" tone, along with a "disc" of "6" has been recommended for the F75. Is there a depth loss by using disc. "6" versus "0" or even a disc. of say 10 or 15? What other settings are used with the monotone and disc. 6 settings? Eg.: De, Je, Pf or All Metal?
Also, would any of the F75 users provide their favorite programs for deep coins? This new F75 owner needs all the help he can get.
Thank you and HH.
I have always found, that by using the " Mono Tone " as say to multi tone option, it gives you a more "precise" and clearer signal .I have obviously tried the various options with the F75 in tone range, but found that by using say "4" tones and JE mode there is a lot of "Ghost" signals coming through as well as the "Target" signals. I now only use Mono tone ,or 2 Tone only.
"Is there a depth loss by using disc. "6" versus "0" or even a disc. of say 10 or 15? " >>> Visualize your Discrim setting as a long Corridor of 65 windows .
When your in ALL METAL or Zero Discrim ,all 65 windows are OPEN."
Every time you UP the discrimination by one setting ,you close a window on the strength of your " viewing ability" of the signal your detector was capable of receiving with all 65 windows open. Remember "window" is the operative word here. When you are still looking thru a closed window, your vision is slightly impaired as to what you could see if the window was open but your getting less draft & noise ,in this instance...........(just my interpretation on it)
I hunt the majority of the time in MOTION ALL METAL MODE .
Where the F75 excels on any other detector IS,that it will Hunt in all metal mode , but give you a Discrimination READOUT of the signal you have detected !!
I have after many variations in the settings found the All Metal Mode to search the deepest.
You can only use " monotone " in All Metal mode & cannot have 2 ,3, or 4 tones on, as a choice ,as you can in the "Discrim" mode.
I notice your very keen on the "Deep" word.
DEEP is not always the thing to go for.
Deep coins are always the hardest to find. you never get something for nothing !
By that i mean the shallow coins will surrender quite easily but the deep one are another kettle of fish.
They are the ones that experience in detecting , careful working, and knowing your detector will only fall to readily to,and even then they don`t give up that easily. The deeper the target the less information your going to receive on your screen and in your earphones.A Gold ring at 10 inches will sound nothing like a gold ring at two inches ESPECIALLY if it`s a THIN band.
By having the "best" or the Deepest seeking detector in the land ,will not guarantee you finding deep coins or artifacts even when some one gives you their settings that will give you a best shot at the deep ones ,its down to your interpretation of what you hear through your earphones whether you dig or don`t dig.
Experience of your detectors language it speaks to you, is your only way your going to get the "Deep" coins or artifacts.But having the F75 is giving you one of the best detectors in the land to help you get there .
My tip for what its worth,is use All metal Motion mode and search in open parkland or not too trashy sites to start with to get the "feel" of your F75.
Dig nothing under 20 on your digital readout of the Target value,and listen for the Positive each way signal that registers above 20.
Sorry if this sounds patronizing or "instructive" its not meant to be.I`m just trying to point out that having the best of anything ,won`t guarantee you finds.
Anyhow I wish you good hunting with your F75 .
I would just like to add that the info above is how i use the F75 and others may well use different settings and methods which suits their searching abilitys better. In no way am i stating my ways of detecting, or settings, are the "best".