Hearing what everyone saying about all metal depth i thought i would do a air test. This if from the detector that listed for sale but now on hold. Test was done in a large main garage on top of 3' high boxes. First 9.0- bp mode, 99 sens, 1c-12'', 5c-11'', 10c-10'', 25c-11'', sens 50, 1c-8'', 5c-10'', 10c-8'', 25c-8'', sens 10, 1c-7'', 5c-9'', 10c-7'', 25c-8''. All metal bp sens-99 1c-7'', 5c-7'', 10c-6'', 25c-7'', sens 50, 1c-6'', 5c-7'', 10c-5'', 25c-6'', Now 9.1 bp mode sens 99, 1c-8'', 5c-11'', 10c-8'', 25c-10'', sens 50, 1c-8'', 5c-9'', 10c-8'', 25c-9'', sens 10, 1c-8'', 5c-10'', 10c-8'', 25c-9'', All metal bp mode, sens 99, 1c-7'', 5c-8'', 10c-8'', 25c-8'', sens 50, 1c-7'', 5c-8'', 10c-6'', 25c-8''. I never hunt in all metal but that's a big difference. These numbers are where the target sound is enough to dig. Fisher told me on the phone this detector is fine. Didn't check other modes to see if there was any difference. Maybe my bp is not working, but its chatty when in that mode. .