i sent the image below to minelab a while back just for a bit of fun, plus it was to dropping a few hints and other issues aswell. they just found it funny and said that they wear aware of the weight issue. i told them if they could just put an explorer/etrac inners into the body of an deus all us people who have health problems will be much happier falk.
this is the email reply i got back....
I Trust that you are keeping well.
At least your sense of humour is intact...the picture was very good!!
In relation to the core of your message..thanks for taking the time first of all. It is true that weight has always been a concern for our customers. Traditionally, the customer base for our market has been middle-aged and beyond so weight will always be a consideration for them. In recent times, the market has grown and continues to do so and now appeals to all ages so we too must move with the times.
I think that we have made advances in this regard with the introduction o f the Xterra series, lighter coils and progressively lighter machines with each new release.
We will be looking to continue this with any new releases in the future (Obviously such information is confidential)
Thanks you for your product development suggestions and please let me know if you have any further comments.
Best regards,