The chargers are powered by 12v dc nominal(10-18v) so you will need some sort of power supply, i made one from an old power unit from a PC(plenty of instructions on the net and its easy)you can also get a 12v power supply (some use old laptop chargers) or even plug it into the car cigarette holder.
The first time you use it you will have to change a few settings
I turned off mah limit, max charge time.
Make up a lead that will plug into the ikalite charge connector and clip it to the output with supplied alligator clips or even better a dean connector on the other end and it will plug into the main output lead directly.
Plug in
select battery type nimh or nicad
Set charge rate
Start and away you go(the charger will recognize the amount of cells and adjust accordingly)
Charge rate
If you use the minelab battery you are limited to the amount of amps you can charge at as they have a thermistor inbuilt and if you go much above 1amp(excal2) the thermistor will cut off early with a connection break alarm.(i use 0.7amp if not in a hurry) you might have to register
If you have onlybatteriesareus refill you can charge as high as you like although more than 1C(1.4amp for the 1400mah pack) is not recommended as they may get hot and shorten the life, even at 1.4amp they should be charged in an hour from flat.
I also use it to charge my 2700mah and 2900mah rechargables in the etrac alkaline pack that i can charge at 2.5amp if in a hurry although i usually use 1.5amp
Critterhunter will probably give more detail as he has had his longer, I'm still in the experimental phase and although things sound complicated they aren't and I am highly delighted with the results so far.
As a footnote i have found that the charger is putting in more mah than the battery makers mark on the batteries, this is due to the efficiency of the charger that is filling all cells full
Link to
making a power souce from a pc power unit
Accucel 6 manual
plenty of videos on youtube both for converting an atx pc power supply and Accucel-6 chargers