I like you, but I have to say that your comment about American Indians is a touch racist. Also, claiming that 'Jesus' left his sandals in arizona is offensive to people of a religious 'persuasion'. As far as I am aware, Jesus never got around to visiting Arizona (or America) although his influence is felt there to this day, 2004 years after he was crucified by the Romans. As for the 'American' Indians, well, THEY ARE the real natives of that land, and were dumped on big time by the European settlers who stole their lands, and deposited them in 'Reservations' like they were some kind of endangered wildlife species. The reason they were called 'Indians' is because Columbus was hoping to find the Indies, in order to re-establish trade links with the aformetioned, for silk and spices. When he ended up in 'America' he thought he had found a new passage to the Indies, and that's why he named the residents 'Indians' ... but you probably already knew this. HH charlie(UK)