I know what you are saying-loud and clear

I have had 3 different E-Tracs and compared their individual performance mainly in the coin program. Two of them hit about 12+ inches on a penny with the sensitivity of 30 manual in the Minelab coin program...the other 19.5 inches!...but,,,the "hotter" one seemed to false more on in the iron substantially more than the other two in the same program with the same sensitivity. So what to make of it???...that is the question. I just don't understand how there could be such a difference between machines made in the same place with the same components/computer boards/coils...etc... so your test may depend on the individual machine and what your settings were for the machines. It would be interesting to post the settings of each to see if some of the much more experience users on here can determine if it may be related to your settings. I would also be interested to see what your air testing max distance is on a penny at 30 manual too? Thanks for the post and any follow-up info...