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...a friend and I tried our hand at rocket building. We were about 12 also when, one 5th of July, we walked around the neighborhood looking for dud firecrackers. Neither of our parents bought us fireworks for the 4th so we had to improvise. We had found a spent rocket and figured we could re-pack it with gunpowder and launch it once again. We unrolled untold hundreds of dud firecrackers and filled the hollow tube of the rocket, gently packing it good and tight every so often. The cardboard tube was a couple of inches long and about the diameter of a crayon. We had strung several fuses together to make a fuse about 6-8 inches long to give us plenty of time to run for shelter. After inserting the fuse, we continued filling the tube and packing it good and tight until we felt we had a sufficient amount of gunpowder to launch this rocket to the moon. We put the plastic nose cone on, set the rocket in the middle of his driveway and lit the fuse. Then, ran for our lives and ducked behind his dad's car waiting for blast-off!! When it blew, it rattled windows within about 100 yard radius and there was no sign of the rocket. We looked and looked and never found the plastic nose cone or fins anywhere, they must have been vaporized!! Needless to say, we never attempted to build another rocket.