Hi teviotlad, you got lots' of good info from he guys here, and are certainly not alone with your knee problems. Old diggers for the most part are like old dogs and simply "adapt" I had an old blind /deaf dog once that still managed to go to wherever he wanted to and did much of what he had always done before, and he taught me some good lessons on "adapting". I can't help but crack a big smile now when I think of ole "Snowball". I'm 74 and hunt every time I can.It hurts awful when I get down to dig, and really hurts even worse getting up. Takes me a couple of days getting recouped from an all day( yes, all day) hunt, but I hunt every chance I get. 43 years a construction welder , climbing, stradling beams and pipe , not to mention the grunting and lifting iron many times, took it's toll on every bone in my body.Had back surgery in 62. Bone degeneration in back / neck, arthritus (sudo-gout) in ankles/knees had me looking for some relief as early as the 80's. Different things, work for different folks at different tiimes so don't rush into any particular cure, but take it easy so as not to make things worse. That won't always be easy , as results can be questionable. Stay moving is my advice, as others have mentioned. I did deep/standing knee bends/squats and worked the Arthritis from both knees back in the 80s' rather than take 8 asprin a day as the Dr. prescribed. Yeah, it hurt beyond description, but worked for several years. Haven't been able to put myself to that test again now that I am much older, but It would probably work again, if it didn't kill me. Lol !! Years later I was miserable for 3 weeks with my knees/ankles on fire when I layed down at night to sleep. (didn't happen) Tried some cherrys/cherry juice, for the gout(sudo) and in 3 days was off and running again with no pain..Like I said though, the get down digging pain is back, but that is a different problem from gout. Just take what uou can from us all an use it with that "grain of salt" keeping an open mind. Oh yeah, I pray a lot too, and for me that has been my best medicine. HH, Charlie