Just changing from junk to quality speakers on a stereo system I would think allows me to hear more.
Putting that aside - I just wouldn't feel right myself if I didn't have upper end headphones - and if nothing else, they sure help keep the radar flaps from freezing off in the cold winter blistering breeze.
I had times where I put on a set of headphones sitting here using the laptop computer, and the headphones weren't plugged into anything. Kept the wife and kids from talking to me (don't react and they think you cant hear them), but I did finally get busted when I was using my son's headphones and he asked "why are you using those dad when the connector at the end of the wire broke off"
- quality headphones if the cup and style are right, can be more comfortable compared to some others. You don't want them feeling like a c-clamp putting the pressure on causing headaches - that would defeat the purpose of comfort. As far as the audio, why not get that out of the way by going quality too.
I'm with Tabdog - going for a faint signal just might make the day. Ya gotta hear em if ya wanna dig em..........
Putting that aside - I just wouldn't feel right myself if I didn't have upper end headphones - and if nothing else, they sure help keep the radar flaps from freezing off in the cold winter blistering breeze.
I had times where I put on a set of headphones sitting here using the laptop computer, and the headphones weren't plugged into anything. Kept the wife and kids from talking to me (don't react and they think you cant hear them), but I did finally get busted when I was using my son's headphones and he asked "why are you using those dad when the connector at the end of the wire broke off"

I'm with Tabdog - going for a faint signal just might make the day. Ya gotta hear em if ya wanna dig em..........