Actually I am referrring to the higher toned sounds that come from the E Trac when coins are hit , especially dimes, quarters, and all Silver ..... This is opposed to the much lower tones that come from nickels , gold , and lower conductive materials .....I do realize that the tones will NOT be as spread out on the Sovereign , and the lower conductive tones ( nickels , gold , etc ) may not be as low as on the E Trac ....In the same token , there are other machines on the market that can be purchase as "Low Tone" or "High Tone" machines that are SINGLE tone machines , and some say that they benefit greatly from the higher tone machine as there is more "Character" in the tone, and you can hear variables of that tone better than you can a Low Tone machine ......Again, it's up to personal preference ...... I like the fact that there is a pot that can be adjusted to taste ..... Remember too that a tiny adjustment goes a long way on these pots ....Go easy and test it out before closing up your control box ....Jim
You may want to ask if when the mod is done and you don't like the high tone , if it can be adjusted back to the lower tone .....It may just be a simple turn of a pot to bring your tones lower or higher , even with this mod done ....I can't think of why the tone adjustment would be much more than a turn of the pot , even WITH said mod ...???????....... If I were spending that kind of money on a mod, and have to cover the shipping back and forth, I would want to know more about what is being done to my machine .... It also strikes me funny that Minelab approves his mod, and if they do , why haven't they incorporated this mod into their current machines as a new feature ? ..... ???....Enquiring minds want to know !!.....Jim