Ron at Dixie Detectors is a great "dirt under the fingernails" type of guy to deal with. He gave me a good price and 2 day air shipping. Got my new DeLeon last night and hit the dry sand beach this morning. I didn't expect to find much as this beach has been pounded to death since the summer tourists left. The first signal was a wheatie! I couldn't believe it. It had to be a fresh drop as it was only 3 inches down. I set the discrim just above iron and quickly found that foil was reading in the 4 to 8 range on the TDI. I determined to dig everything above 10. Shorly thereafter I got a smooth hit at four inches that read 12. Up came a tiny (size 2) 10 karat gold ring. After that I found a few more coins down to 9 inches. The ID was very accurate. This beach is notorious for rusted bottle caps. The DeLeon had no problem. If you hit one just right, the TDI number would occasionaly jump from zero up to a high number but the Icon stayed on iron. This is a great lightweight machine. Can't wait to hit the dirt this weekend. HH.