Joe, you hit "cable wires" at 6", in a yard, and cut them? Are we talking about wires for some home lawn fixture? Or ........ what kind of cables/wires? Any sort of public utility pipes and cables (for phones, utilities, etc...) are going to be a HECK of a lot deeper than 6". Something doesn't seem right here. I've been at this for over 30 yrs, and never cut a pipe or cable or wire. Perhaps sprinkler PVC stuff perhaps can be exposed, but nothing that the Utility Co. is in charge of.
This reminds me of a true story:
A fellow who just got into the hobby of metal detecting, decided that he needed to ask permission at his local city hall "just to make sure" he could detect in the parks, school yards, etc... of his little town. He goes into city hall, and asks the clerk. She was mystified, and had never fielded such a question! She couldn't seem to find any reason to tell him no, so she says "I don't see why not". At that, the gleeful man added "and I'll be sure to cover my holes, and leave no trace" (I guess he thought he was a real winner with that line, eh?). When the lady heard the word "holes...", she says, "uh, wait here....." She excused herself from the front counter. The man could see her going room to room down the hallway, apparently consulting higher-ups in the city hall. Eventually she came back to the front desk, and told the man "we're going to have to tell you no". The man, who perceived her answer was subjective and arbitrary, objected. He asked "but where is that written?" (thinking this would turn the burden of proof to her, to produce such an actual rule). The clerk produced a utility co. brochure, that had written on the front "Call Before You Dig". The man objected: "but mam, I'm only going to be digging a few inches down, this has nothing to do with the utility pipes which are waaay deep. I couldn't
possibly hurt them!!". The man handed the pamphlet back to the lady, and she leafed through it some more, looking hard for clarification. She hands it back to the man, and says "sir, the rule doesn't specifiy HOW deep, it just says call before all digging. Therefore we have to tell you no".
The man left city hall, even more confused than when he'd come! True story!