New member
Hi folks! Today my buddy Luke and I decided to go water hunting, for the good reason ground is covered with a 6 inches coat of snow...
First stop was our old stinky beach. Unfortunatly, we were unable to hunt the place, we forgot the dynamite. Here is a nice view of the inviting site ! Water level was a good 2 feet higher than the last visit.
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Luke tryed his luck breaking the ice without success :
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Okay then, we decided to go a little further where we knew the waves action would prevent the freesing...
Here is a view of today's beach :
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We took several pictures with the small video/still images camera i braght along... unfortunatly, i left the lens set at close up photo... made all the pics blurry
Here i am enjoying the refreshing water :
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I was looking for the missing silver for my year's record, but didn't found any. Instead, i had to satisfy myself with the 14K earring... oh well at least the day wasn't a total disaster afterall ! Notice the huge cartrige in the left. Biggest cartridge i've ever got... more than an inch large ! Just beside it, you can see a caliber 16 gage ... that gun must be awfully big !
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Is the season over ? Not quite sure. weather is set to improve over the next week. If it's warm enauph, i'll try my luck at ground hunting on a site i know for sure to get a few silver coins !
First stop was our old stinky beach. Unfortunatly, we were unable to hunt the place, we forgot the dynamite. Here is a nice view of the inviting site ! Water level was a good 2 feet higher than the last visit.
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Luke tryed his luck breaking the ice without success :
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Okay then, we decided to go a little further where we knew the waves action would prevent the freesing...
Here is a view of today's beach :
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We took several pictures with the small video/still images camera i braght along... unfortunatly, i left the lens set at close up photo... made all the pics blurry
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I was looking for the missing silver for my year's record, but didn't found any. Instead, i had to satisfy myself with the 14K earring... oh well at least the day wasn't a total disaster afterall ! Notice the huge cartrige in the left. Biggest cartridge i've ever got... more than an inch large ! Just beside it, you can see a caliber 16 gage ... that gun must be awfully big !
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Is the season over ? Not quite sure. weather is set to improve over the next week. If it's warm enauph, i'll try my luck at ground hunting on a site i know for sure to get a few silver coins !