One of my case studies was removal of a brain tumor.
I remember "scrubbing" for the brain surgeon, and because this was my case study, the surgeon wanted to make sure that I learned as much as I could from this case
.After boring three holes in the skull in a triangular fashion,and sawing between the holes, ...and as he was lifting the skull piece, he said to me..".now, come close here and watch the brain recede as the pressure is released when I remove the skull...I'll hand you the skull..DO NOT DROP IT!".
I was only 19 at the time..but I'll never forget the skull that I was holding in my hand as I peered into the cavity and watched that brain recede.
I haven't been the same since
I remember "scrubbing" for the brain surgeon, and because this was my case study, the surgeon wanted to make sure that I learned as much as I could from this case
.After boring three holes in the skull in a triangular fashion,and sawing between the holes, ...and as he was lifting the skull piece, he said to me..".now, come close here and watch the brain recede as the pressure is released when I remove the skull...I'll hand you the skull..DO NOT DROP IT!".
I was only 19 at the time..but I'll never forget the skull that I was holding in my hand as I peered into the cavity and watched that brain recede.
I haven't been the same since