yeah,i can agree with the dfx/mxt 300 release,why some folks minds will be wondering if 'houston has a problem' i remember when news first hit of those releases it 'sounded' like hey,something new is upon us,and i think it was whites europe,when they released the machines on the website,it looked like they were touting them as completely new machines,when i checked next,then they were advertised as ' limited editions' which is a better marketing strategy ..coz lets face it,all they really are is the same true and tried formula with the addition of their freakinly good new super 12 coil and if you look closely,their pricing reflects that .. we all know their new pi and beach machine is nearly upon us,all they have done is spruce up the current flagships and offering them at or just below the pricing point of buying the super 12 seperately..i just reckon their marketing gurus should have been a little more on the ball to word the release a bit better to arrest the (understandable) predictable outcry that whites may be in trouble