I was diagnosed with prostate cancer earlier this year, very common amongst men in the over 45 year old group. The stats are similar to those of women getting breast cancer. The good news is that it is very treatable, especially if caught early. I chose to a prostatectomy, with a up to 95% success rate if caught in early stages. All it takes to get tested is a rectal exam, a couple of blood tests for your PSA (prostate Surface Antigen levels)and if high, a biopsy. There are other forms of treatment available also.
November has been referred to as "INTERNATIONAL PROSTATE MONTH" http://ca.movember.com/ in order to raise awareness of this disease. "Us" guys just aren't programmed like gals to talk about our sexual anatomy or possible health issues, unless of course we are bragging.
It was ironic that my surgery was performed this month, so I thought I would pass on my experience. If one other person manages to go and get tested, gets a positive result, gets treated and survives.....then I can rest assured sleep well at night knowing that I managed to make a difference.
November has been referred to as "INTERNATIONAL PROSTATE MONTH" http://ca.movember.com/ in order to raise awareness of this disease. "Us" guys just aren't programmed like gals to talk about our sexual anatomy or possible health issues, unless of course we are bragging.

It was ironic that my surgery was performed this month, so I thought I would pass on my experience. If one other person manages to go and get tested, gets a positive result, gets treated and survives.....then I can rest assured sleep well at night knowing that I managed to make a difference.