I like hearing the comparisons too... I also don't feel
that he was trying to bash Garrett, just reporting what
he is seeing... But....
You have to be careful about hunting reports on their
own... Mainly cuz a lot is the operator.. What I think
is actually more useful are direct head to head comparisons,
in test beds, or on objects where one can test, then the
other can test, and *then* they dig it to see whats what..
Thats a true test. But just going to a park and having good
luck with one, but maybe not the other, is not too conclusive
if they hunted different areas, etc..
You see this a lot in radio when comparing antennas.
IE: a 1/2 wave dipole fed with coax will show appx 95+ %
in efficiency on HF. In other words, the efficiency can not really
be beat, and that antenna makes a good benchmark for comparions.
Now, you will see people running less efficient antennas, and
they still do quite well. After all, most any will radiate
enough to make contacts. After a while , they start to believe
their less efficient antenna system is equal to the 1/2 wave
dipole, cuz after all they are making the same contacts.
But...Do a direct head to head comparison using an antenna
switch to quickly switch while on the air, and the lesser
antenna will show it's true colors.
So, they might have thought they were going big guns,
but after getting whipped by the more efficient system,
they will see the true story.
But they wouldn't see this unless they did a direct head to
head comparison... Hopefully this story will make a little
sense... maybe not... Anyway, it's the direct head to head
comparisons that I pay attention to. Good hunting stories
alone can be misleading. All brands and machines will have
many cases of "good hunt" stories. I like to see direct
comparisons in controlled test envionments. Then the tests
actually mean something.