Fixed? I used to be a surf hunter. All my good finds were in holes between the second and third bar. I never used a coil cover because in the water you don't really need one. When I picked up this "hobby" again I put a coil cover on the CZ-20 because I have no intention of wading in the surf again (Vibrio issues). I decided to air test my machine, the old dime at 11" test and it would pick up the dime at about 9". I popped the coil cover off and it picked up the dime at 11.5" solid. I took it to the beach this morning, 46 degrees F and 30 knots of wind. Needless to say my dog and I had it all to ourselves. No gold rings but I got in a quarter line just above the wet sand and about 10" in depth. The hits were round and solid. I dug about 14 before I looked up and saw my dog standing beside the door of my truck. We'll go again in the morning. Has anyone else had similar problems with coil covers? Thanks. bjones.