Yea, most of us know that VDI's can be off in certain ground conditions. That's why I tell people to dig a few targets at a new site first to see where things are reading at depth. I've ran into sites where silver dimes read like zinc pennies and so on. Still, in most situations a coin should give you a good ID unless at the fringe of detection, masked by junk, or in very heavy minerals.
Go ahead and post that chart where you like. I'm going to re-do it in a better format that makes things easier to follow, though. A chart you'll be able to carry in your pocket. Tape it onto a piece of cardboard and protect it with clear box tape so mud just wipes right off in the field. I'll post it tomorrow probably. It's similar to one I did for the Sovereign GT a few months back. It'll list things like pulltab ranges, common trash target numers (shot gun shells, 22 casings, screw caps, etc) as well. It'll be more clear than the above chart with targets listed in order of VDI number as well. See the splitting hairs on rings thread for info on the pulltabs and rings that this chart will list as well in a more compact fashion.