You men, and ladies, can condemn me all you want for what I am going to say. I was not going to comment on this post nor was I going to tell the following story. But now I feel the time has come.
I think Tesoro is in a panic and running scared.
Let's look at some interesting Observations and facts.
First, Tesoro has a general sales meeting on an Internet forum asking their customers what is wrong with their product by asking how can they change the product to please you. This tells me, sales are way off and the company is in trouble. This meeting should have been held behind closed doors with the upper staff. And depending on the answers given to the question, some people would now be standing in the soup line.
I own a compadre I bought new from a, in home dealer. I liked the detector so much I bought a vaquero from the same dealer which I have bought several other detectors from. Not only that I have personally sold 4 other compadre's for this dealer. Granted it is not a high ticket item, but it represents 6 tesoro sales in less then a year. All new.
The two tesoro's I purchased and got no sales receipt. I did fill out the warranty card and sent it in leaving a stub with no way to identify that I was the original purchaser.
Two weeks ago I was hunting with the compadre and it started Falsing at the ends of each sweep. Now I have close to 1500 HOURS on this detector (with 35 years of detecting experience). I am very familiar with it's quirks. I live in an area where there is very little EMI and when it does occur the detector rattles like crazy. But it does not false.
Thinking I had a coil going south, I took the advice of many of you that have said several times, call Rusty. So I did. All I wanted to know is if this was some kind of quirk caused by outside interference or should I send it in.
Without letting me finish with my question, I got the tongue lashing of my life on the phone. First I was told it was emi and that they would set the sensitivity back and I could lose depth. Then I was asked why I called him and if I had bought it from him personally.
Then I was drilled on weather or not I was the original owner and if I had been inside the control box and or did any kind of mod to it. Then I was told that the company was losing money on those detectors on a warranty claim and I had already used up more time on the phone then they made on the sale.
He told me I was talking to him at a dealer level and that I should have contacted my selling dealer. I told him I had what I thought was a warranty problem and that's why I called. He said I should have gone thru the service department and not him. I explained that is what I thought I was doing and asked to talk to the service manager. He told me he was the service manager.
Then he ranted and raved about other service problems he was having, all the warranty work he wasn't going to be able to get to because he was talking to me at $20 an hour or some figure, tada tada tada.............................
HEY, That was enough. I have been in retail sales for 45 years. I ran an auto dealership for 10. I don't need his gas.
I am a paying customer.
Needless to say, since the phone conversation, I have not used my compadre and probably will get rid of it.
Rest assured, It will be a cold day in hell before I buy or refer a customer to a tesoro product.
Now we have a shift in warranty policy that was their choice. It clearly states in the manual, too original purchaser only. What they did up till now has been a courtesy they extended. I don't blame them on that point. But they need a better way of identifying original owners.
I will not put up with that kind of great service from them or anyone else.
And I repeat, this is why I believe Tesoro is in trouble.