monte hit it right on, and so did barber bill, to me depth is not everything, i personally dont want to dig a foot each time my detector hits on something. i have presently a xlt, time ranger lobo traq, cortes, tejon, land star, never used a mine lab sure they are great, but seemed like a allot of money to take a chance on not liking it. metal detecting is to be enjoyed as time along or with others, and i agree what ever brand you like use. people are finding great things with all brands. i have my personal favorite, tesoro, but they are not the only good detector. the detector is only as good as the person using it, and each person has a brand that will fit them and give them better results. does that mean that the other brands are no good. no, that just means that, that certain brand is better for them. i dont get caught up in cult like brand loyality, it just a detector, so find the one that works best for you and go find stuff. there i hope that came out right dont want to get linched again!