Thanks for the reply's and to add a little more information:
I use Killer Bee headphones
Name Brand batteries
my hearing is great
I just took my Silver and Vaquero outside to do a repeat air test. Now I understand its only a "airtest" but with all things equal...... my Silver is 1/2" deeper than the vaquero. Same location, both with stock coils, both with same battery, same coin, same headphones. I put the ground balance where the Tesoro manual says to put it during an air test, but even when I ground balance it on some nearby earth it does not make that much of a difference. I have noticed going negative will give it more depth..... but at 5.5" on a dime....... an extra 1" just puts the vaquero in the same league as the silver.
I purchase a 5.75 wide scan coil for the vaquero thinking maybe it was the coil... and I needed a small coil anyway..... but it still is a turd..... maybe 4 " on a silver dime.
I sent it out to Tesoro... and it checked fine.
here is the video I did when I first suspected things weren't right:
vaquero no depth
I can do a repeat video in the middle of a field but I can tell you.... after using it for 4 months... the results will be the same.
I was thinking of getting the new widescan coil offered by Tesoro for it.... but I am afraid that would be like putting lipstick on a pig. I like Tesoro and my Silver but as an upgrade.... I am seriously thinking of a Makro Racer unless I can get the Vaquero to show some results.
I am willing to take any suggestions and do more videos to show how it works.... Anything to make me feel like I did not just flush $500 down the toilet.
I cant even resell it the way it works. Honestly..... I should have just returned it the first week I suspected something was up...... but I figured I neededd more time with it. 4+ months later.... and I still just cant polish a turd.... and I tried.
On a side note..... in that first picture of the 1903 Barber quarter and silver Umaxx. That was about 7 to 8 inches down. I went right over the spot with the Vaquero and missed it. Checked the same area with the silver a few days later and found it. Might of just been that I missed that exact spot with the Vaquero, or the stars weren't aligned right, but results are results.... and the Vaquero just isn't putting out.