Hay Pull tab,
I like to keep mine turned all the way down, or as you say, in all metal.
I find that I get more information with it that way. It is quicker and easier
for me to ID a target. In tot lots I just dig everything that is above the divider.
By divider, I mean the bottom of the playground media, what ever it may be.
If it is ground, I may dig into it a little to get a coin or something.
The Compadre tells me right off if it is too deep. But if I use any discrimination,
it's harder to tell and I may miss a gold chain!!!!!!
If I am in grass, and there is just too much trash, I will use a little discrimination.
But I use as little as I can stand and still hunt comfortably.
I want to hear those small targets that are above aluminum. Those perk me up.
Most likely trash, but there's not that much usually. The gold rings being so close to
pull tabs annoys me. I can tell one or two types of pull tabs, but when they bend
them or fold the tab over, or break it off, it gets me every time. Frustrating, but the
Compadre does it as well as any machine I have used. Just not as deep in a lot of
places. Also it doesn't have all metal, but for tot lots and shallow hunting for recent
drops in trash or where ever, it is a wonder, once you get it down.
That is how the Compadre is paying off for me.
Happy Hunting,