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These are the reasons I’m motivated to scramble all over tough terrain at age 66. Just glad to be at this still since 1986. The best places, hard to find, lack modern day non-ferrous trash. My stepson found the shaved Pine Tree Schilling. It was reduced from about 79-80 grains down to 49.5 by shaving slivers from those who passed it long ago. The last pic is a sideways shot to show how thin these were. Made on a crude rocker press outside Boston it looks a bit wavy. It was a large planchet variety. I sent it to NGC. The 1732 2R pistereen & 1730 Mexico City cob are my finds where the tree coin was found. The cob has a one year only assayer “G” visible. Casey’s Fugio is in the top pic. He got that about 2 weeks ago under log behind a well. I missed it! We’ve pulled much more than space here allows the last couple of years. I’m supposed to give presentation about finds from these sites and farm
Fields in February if they don’t move the date. It will be at the SRARC club meeting in Clearwater FL. I belong to that club and YTC in CT. I’m very passionate learning about life before the constitution and the early federal years. I added some dandy buttons below. I have many more images of dug , silver shoe buckles, silver pocket watch, candle snuffers, many odds and ends. There are many detectorists here competing, some “only dig colonial or go home”. It’s an addiction. I hunt everything, water too when I can.
Fields in February if they don’t move the date. It will be at the SRARC club meeting in Clearwater FL. I belong to that club and YTC in CT. I’m very passionate learning about life before the constitution and the early federal years. I added some dandy buttons below. I have many more images of dug , silver shoe buckles, silver pocket watch, candle snuffers, many odds and ends. There are many detectorists here competing, some “only dig colonial or go home”. It’s an addiction. I hunt everything, water too when I can.