My auto GB numbers range from 17-30 in the areas where I hunt.
Is that considered too high of mineralization to use a LF coil? I have been using the stock 9" coil with good success but was thinking of eventually buying the "Digger" coil for the parks that are fairly trash littered. I really didn't want the 6" MF coil because I wanted a DD coil for even better separation. I still want to hunt for silver when it comes to the old parks and the LF coils are supposed to best for the silver and copper. Any help will be greatly appreciated
UPDATE: Digger just answered this for me in a PM but while on the topic, What are your Mineralization #s and what coil do you use?

UPDATE: Digger just answered this for me in a PM but while on the topic, What are your Mineralization #s and what coil do you use?