Your all right it, gives all us Hobbyist a bad name who like to dress up in woman's clothes with Viking horns and ride off docks on bicycles.That was totally the wrong color of dress to wear and not a professional dock bicycle at least the viking horns floated correctly after going in the water.The real crime was that show was the best I could find to watch last night with my 100 month satellite bill.I an sending a letter right now to PETA for torturing a wounded jelly fish, do you realize what is on a human tongue at any second has on it,the bacteria, total torture,I could hardly stand to watch.I looked at the titles to grab every ones on this Etrac Forum posts now there is some real lingo ,and a lot of it, did not see juice,roundie, but I have seen use the colonial phrase a couple of times.If I remember correctly, there are a few utube video,s that are pretty close to what I watched last night,of course different people and not so many commercials,maybe they can shut down show for copy right infringement.I am looking forward to the next show it was something new.Beats watching House Wife's of some reject City that my wife wanted to watch.