Nonsense on the nay sayers! A cemetery is as fair grounds to detect as a park. It always boils down to getting permission. You may not be given permission in most cemeteries but you will run into a caretaker or two that won't be superstitious or hold the cemetery to be sanctitious. As long as you behave accordingly, as far as your digging and covering your digging, etc., it's good to go. I know because I've detected in cemeteries where I was given permission and I left the area not showing any signs of my being there. The only fear I had was fantasizing about falling into a grave that had been poorly covered but that never happened. And I never detected right above the location of the coffin, I guess you could say that was being respectful.
Keep in mind that in old days, and still to this day, individuals and families sat on the grass or area surrounding the gravestone and had picnics, etc. So, yes, some coins did fall out and are near the surface.
The dead are dead and buried and nothing you do to the ground is going to affect them or anyone except for the way you've been brought up to think about such things. I'm not superstitious and I am not disrespectul. But detecting in a cemetery is an activity that has no bearing on disrespectfulness. Respectfulness is for the living.
I know my reply will raise the hackles of some but I carry no religous baggage. You cannot disrespect the dead, regardless of your beliefs.
Golden Silver