Yes, Single tone, Two tone FE, Two Tone CO, Four tone FE, Four tone CO, Multiple tone FE, Multiple tone CO and a new one called Combined. Combined provides a "bin" of targets below the ferrous line. And for those targets above the ferrous line, it breaks it into 4 separate "bins". If you like 4 tone conductive, this would be like having 4 tone conductive, and an additional tone for targets with a certain ferrous level. What happens then, the CTX 3030 determines the ferrous value of the target. If the ferrous properties are greater than where you set the ferrous line, you get a ferrous tone. If the ferrous value is less than where you set the ferrous line, the audio will be based on one of the four "bins" you set up for the conductive properties. Each of these "bins" can be resized and you can change the pitch of the tone of each bin.
[attachment 234530 combinedfreqs.png]