I can hear it,can you???THERE IT IS AGAIN!!!!!!What am I talking about?Why,my metal detector in my spare room-its calling to me-funny how you can hear it-even though there is no batteries in it.....Thats not all I can hear...the sounds of an approaching summer-camping,cookouts,children playing in the water;the 4th of July;the sounds in your headphones when you are in neck-deep water-and in your voice when you see something glittery in your scoop; an approaching thunderstorm;the laughter in my wifes voice while camping;campfires;forum hunts;the anticipation of what you are gonna find before you get where you are going;the "OH WELL
IDNT FIND MUCH,BUT I HAD A GOOD TIME,ANYWAY".......Going for ice cream with your loved ones(dont forget your pet);the sound of the rain on the camper roof in the middle of the night...THE BEST PART:IT ALL HAPPENS ,YEAR AFTER YEAR,WITHOUT FAIL...I thank the Lord for simple things like all that I listed..little things are the best things in life,in my opinion.....