Kenco said it right, detector electronics are designed to be very
tough and heat resistant but, it's still best to protect it some.
TIP: Color, Color, Color my friends, is Everything! A light
colored car absorbs LESS heat that a Dark one, Black being
the worst.
But now get this strangeness: Did you know that an engine, especially air cooled
like a motorcycle ( and even the water cooled type), will actually run
COOLER if painted BLACK??!! Yes it's true! This has been known
in the racing biz for years. Physicists explain it this way: It's totally
because of the Color! The molecules of black or dark pigment have the
peculiar ability to ABSORB heat..! Not just Sunlight heat, but ANY heat..!
In an engine, this translates to actually absorbing the heat from the INSIDE
of the engine! And a cooler running motor will perform better than a hotter one!
Now you might ask, why won't the black also absorb heat from outside the engine,
like in hot Summer? Well, the answer to that is also peculiar...the Black will always
draw heat from the hottest source! "The absorption of heat by the pigment is
transversly proportional to temperature, the higher the temp. the greater the
absorption into the molecule matrix lattice"! This principle, btw, is being studied
by Astronomers, to better understand how stars are formed from clouds of
molecular Hydrogen in the Universe around us, a constant process, ongoing as
we speak!
Now, here's what to do, and I have tried this...Cover your detector completely
with a WHITE sheet or towel. It will stay cooler, even in a hot car!
Try it, you'll see it's true!