New member
Today I blew the dust off my E-trac and hunted a newer park in an old, rundown section of town. It's the kind of place where it's best to keep an eye on what's happening around you so you don't get mugged. Though the park is new, older homes are right across the street. Maybe there were houses there before they made it a park. I figured it was worth a shot. I wandered around and didn't get a "dig me!" signal until I was on the west end. About 6" down was an 1890 Indian Head penny. Man, it felt good to dig that indian! I haven't been detecting for about a year. (Why? Long story short - burn out.) Time to slow down and listen hard. Soon I got a high pitched signal and dug a dirt encrusted silver dime. It turned out to be a 1964 Rosie. I'll take it. There was a lot of garbage, nulling and masking. However I got another high tone that hit from two directions - a screamer! I cut a U-shaped plug, pushed the flap back and saw a silver rim. It turned out to be an 1892 Barber dime. I also dug a 1944 wheatie, a lead musket ball, a small AAA badge and a junk ring. I dug quite a few Memorials, a clad quarter and two clad dimes plus the usual garbage.
In the past I always took a video camera and filmed my hunts for posting. After a while it seemed like I was just hunting for the sake of making a good video. It became work. Today I felt a new sense of freedom as I left the house sans camera. I just went hunting for the fun of it. That's just what I needed - to have fun. I found I was much more relaxed and enjoyed not stopping to film and make comments. Peace & quiet and a cool breeze. Just what the doctor orderded. I took some pics for you guys after I got home.
I hunted with my 12x10 sef butterfly coil. Super coil!
All my finds
The good stuff
1890 Indian, 1892 Barber dime, 1964 Rosie
In the past I always took a video camera and filmed my hunts for posting. After a while it seemed like I was just hunting for the sake of making a good video. It became work. Today I felt a new sense of freedom as I left the house sans camera. I just went hunting for the fun of it. That's just what I needed - to have fun. I found I was much more relaxed and enjoyed not stopping to film and make comments. Peace & quiet and a cool breeze. Just what the doctor orderded. I took some pics for you guys after I got home.
I hunted with my 12x10 sef butterfly coil. Super coil!
All my finds

The good stuff

1890 Indian, 1892 Barber dime, 1964 Rosie