I feel you explained it very well and always wonder why some one in one area of the country wants to run the same program on their Explorer or E Trac some one uses in another part of the country as it will be different. Minelab recommends starting in the factory preset modes for the first 40 hours, the reason is for a person to get to know the detector before messing with adjustments which will make learning it much harder.
Now with the new E-Trac I find running in the factory coin mode setting the ground to difficult and the trash to high ( I think you are the one to recommend for inland hunting) and run the auto sensitivity which I hated to use on any of the Explorers as this was bad in trashy areas and couldn't pick up a dime on top of the ground. Now being the E-Trac is new I was told to learn it with auto and bumped it up to a +3 and I have a very smooth running detector that does better than any of the Explorers. I run it in disc and when I get a iffy one I will hit the quick mask and see what is around my target, but seen any time in quick mask the ID will now be iron of the signal I got in disc that was good. Now I go back to disc and it show good, so it shows me in disc it can pick out a good target in with iron, but in quick mask it will show the iron more. I still dig a lot of iron with most being nails and depth is deep on the nails too, but these are signals i am not sure of and just have to dig to make sure it is trash. My coin signals have anyway been good signals as the tone is good and the ID will bounce a little.
Many know I like my Sovereigns, but had to learn it first to get good with it and have impressed many plus myself as what it can do, but that was after I got to really know it. No way can I run my Explorers this way and had a hard time learning the Explorers as I was used to the Sovereigns and tried using what I knew about the Sovereigns on the Explorers. Now comes the E-Trac and it too is different than the Explorers, so we can not use the same settings or run it like we did the Explorers and have to learn these again which I feel Minelab makes it even easier to learn, but don't try to use it like the Explorers.
Now there is 2 of us using a E-Trac around here and we both have used all of the Explorer models and each one we tried was a little different then the other ones was, but close and had to learn the little quirk it has. With the E-Trac I felt good the first time out with it as I used the factory setting and found coins I had missed before. My Friend didn't think much of the E-Trac first time out as he tried running it like his SE pro, but next time out he left it in the factory preset coin mode and just loved this detector. In the last month he has over 40 silver coins with many over 12 inches deep with the stock coil, he let a few with the Explorers see what they thought of the signal and most said no signal as it just nulled, a couple they could get were very iffy with ID being real bad.We feel the reason was there was iron trash around the target. He too says he dig more trash with the E-Trac than his SE Pro, but he was digging just to be sure and most coins signals seem to lock on. It is just the iffy ones we been used to with the Explorer that turn out good. We both feel the E-Trac in telling the good targets better, but we still have the Explorer on our mind and trying to use it like the Explorer.
The Sovereigns are not for everyone like the Explorer are not either. I have a F-75 also and it too is not for everybody and why should the E-Trac be for everyone as it is not. Use what you like the best as it is the detector you have learned well and know. At this time my Sovereign GT and the E-Trac are the detectors that work the best for me, so these are the ones I will use mostly, but there will be cases the F-75 will also be used.