.................is how a metal detector dealer replied to my question on the new Garrett AT PRO. He said that the new Garrett detector will suck up most of the new sales. Even though he is a multi line dealer, he feels that many manufacturers are going to have to react to this new offering and rather quickly. He was quite adamant that lots of Whites and Tesoro sales especially, will be lost to the new Garrett. This usually happens when a new detector comes out.Whites is a solid company with excellent service and product lineup so they will take a temporary hit, same can't be said about Tesoro, their detector lineup is very dated!!!This new detector really raises the bar in respect to features for the price. Tesoro on the other hand is getting relegated to tot lot detectors.........they really need a new effective target ID detector to stay in the game. He has recently dropped the Minelab line due to customer service complaints, poor backup from Minelab and lots of heat from frustrated customers.(When things go wrong it's always the dealer that is on the firing line) He's getting lots of previous Minelab customers asking about the new Garrett and looking at the "F" series detectors in the Fisher line. He felt that Garrett is a master at marketing and gave the example of how to introduce a new detector with the AT PRO .....Fisher on the other hand has completely fumbled the G2 introduction!!! It was an interesting conversation as this dealer is know as a straight shooter and has been in the business over 30 years. Just thought I'd pass along some of this info.......thought it might generate some conversation and be of interest.