Rainyday101, i'll offer my opinion if your'e interested. I own a Vaquero and a xterra 705, and in a air test the 705 smokes the vaquero, but in actual ground i'm not so sure? As far as TID and tones, it's apples and rocks as far as comparisons. The 705 has no competition in the Vaquero in that category. Also the Vaquero doesn't come close to competing with the 705 with anything except maybe depth in actual ground. And the reason i say that is because the Vaquero seems to go deeper in actual dirt then in an air test, if that's possible. You also mention an F70, as i have one of those as well, i have used it but i am not a seasoned F70 user, but i'll offer my thoughts from what time i have used it. The F70 is probably deeper then the 705 and the Vaquero, But when you turn up the settings for DEEP it starts cackling like a scared chicken. Still usable but a little aggrevating.