This has turned into an interesting thread.----When I made the post, my intent was simply to remind everyone that (especially at this time of year) to be watchful for poisonous snakes.---I realize for some it is a year around thing to be aware of.-----I've been around rattlesnakes most of my life and by & large (all most always) a problem with them can be avoided by just using a little common sense.-----However, you tromp around the "ding toolies" long enough and sooner or later one of those very rare encounters (with them) can/will occur.---and it's going to happen by them either feeling threatened, trapped (no escape)---or both.-----They really don't want to socialize with you any more than you do with them and if you had a way of knowing how many rallesnakes you passed by without knowing compared to every one you see---you would be shocked.---Speaking for myself, I don't ever want to know!
------As has already been mentioned, just make noise going thru an area and be careful where you are walking.----If you're detecting, use that coil to sweep ahead of you & around bush, etc.------It's always worked for me---I'm 72 yrs. old & never been bitten yet so I guess my experience speaks for something.----------Now my wifes dad (an old Pro boxer)--that's a different story!
---He used to milk the things (rattlesnakes) and sell the vennom.----He was never bitten either but he used to carry a few of them in a heavy bag in the car once in awhile.-----One time, one of them got out of the bag & crawled up in the wiring under the dash board.---It took him a bit to get it out of there and my mother-in-law wouldn't drive that car for two weeks after that.----Made life kinda interestin for awhile!
----------Charlie---I enjoyed your post & learned something about cottonmouths.---Sounds like they are WAY more cantankerous critters than our rattlesnakes.----------------Del------------P.S. Yes, God certainly does look out for us---in SO MANY ways!