I think that is the ticket right there providing we could get a hold of him.
First question......Noise cancel on the ground or in the air?
In what order do the filters work in? Sensitivity, gain, fast or deep, dense or low trash, difficult ground or neutral?
Would wrapping the 5 pin connector in the upper shaft with electrical tape (on all the Explorers) be a good idea for shielding purposes or does the machine need the metal of the five pin to touch the metal of the upper shaft for grounding purposes?
Should the ETrac be getting less than, equal to, or greater depth than the SE?
When in deep, does the signal from deep targets just get amplified in volume or does it also get lengthened, like in audio long, only to a lessor degree?
On the ETrac, is it possible for Mine Lab to update it and or diagnose it through the USB port?
Have they considered given the machine the ability of having a low ferrous tone report option say above ferrous value 21 while still in conductive tones. In other words, while still getting all the current conduct tones (in conduct sounds), any ferrous reading above 21 would give a low tone. In effect giving one the ability to hunt in all metal with the ETrac.
How about a true audio only discrimination option? So what ever you disc out on the smart find screen doesn't report audio (no tone, no null) but instead displays on the smartfind so you know it's there, but you don't have to deal with the null? No sound, just display. With an auto latch pinpoint, so that the machine tries specifically to pin point the weaker "accepted" target instead of the stronger signal; "rejected" iron?
Yeah, I have got at least a dozen questions for Bruce.
Maybe we could post them all here and have our most eloquent Charles write him an email labeled from all of us at the Findmall ETrac forum and see if he answers
I think he would answer most questions that didn't infringe on any sensitive information. We will never know unless we ask, right