G'day Nugget.
I've heard of a few people in Sydney detecting for a living. One couple in particular, go out for about 4 hours a day and find enough to live on. I don't know their background, as I found this out from the guys at the Miners Den in Parramatta (Sydney)
I spent a week in Sydney over Christmas, and packed my Ace, with the results you see in the Photo.($252 for about 34 hours of hunting.)
[attachment 79360 2007_1209Sydney070011.JPG]
so I know it is possible. I think that it would be important to change your mindset to be successful as you have done. Have you thought about hunting in school grounds. In N.S.W. they are considered enclosed grounds, so if you want to hunt in them, then you need to get permission from the Principal. I've done this in 3 school's where I live; 2 said yes and one said no. The one that said no, I was eventually able to go into after a bit of negotiating (I got a phone call from them as I own a fairy floss machine, and they wanted to use it). I find between $80 and $125 at these sites, hunting from between 10 to 15 hours.
I hunted down at Berliegh Heads beach back in October, when I took the family up there for holidays. Pulled up $60 over 8 nights hunts.
I heard a rumour that the Aussie gov make bring out a $5 coin for general use down the track. Found out from another detectorist, but couldn't find out where he found out. If true, you might have some more competition.
Looks like you are doing something right there, keep it up.
Mick Evans.