Here's my tale of woe <img src="/metal/html/frown.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt="
"> I am really pleased with my Laser Hawkeye, but have noticed that it gets into conflict with some 'other' machines ... One of the guys at the club uses a Cortes, if he comes within 20 or 30 feet of me, my machine goes nuts! it's buzzing like crazy and the screen is flickering real fast and the whole readout gets erratic! My detecting buddy has been using a Laser B1, and was impressed with my Hawkeye, so she's gone out and bought one <img src="/metal/html/smile.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt="
"> wouldn't you know it, now if we get within 20 or 30 feet of each other, BOTH our Hawkeyes go nuts! <img src="/metal/html/shocked.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt=":shock"> so we both have to switch off our machines if we want to have a chat or compare finds. Funny thing is, there are other people using Cortes, but it's just this one guys that sends mine nuts <img src="/metal/html/confused.gif" border=0 width=15 height=22 alt=":?"> do you think HIS Cortes has been 'tuned' slightly differently to the others? would that account for the frequency conflict <img src="/metal/html/confused.gif" border=0 width=15 height=22 alt=":?">
It's not a major problem, I just have to be aware of where these people are, and keep away from them! <img src="/metal/html/lol.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt=":lol">
It's not a major problem, I just have to be aware of where these people are, and keep away from them! <img src="/metal/html/lol.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt=":lol">