I used to be the biggest Whites fan in the world. That is until they left the low frequency line (QXT Pro, XLT, etc) and moved on to higher frequency units. Those higher frequency units don't do well in my mineralized soil. Lacking a larger coil for my QXT Pro to push the depth further (the 12" Hot Shot didn't work well), I moved onto to deeper detectors that had larger coils. And, more to the point, when you move to larger (say 12") coils, it's important to have them be double D coils in order to lesson the impact of ground minerals. Had Detech come out with a 12x10 SEF coil for the low frequency Whites line I might have stayed with the QXT Pro. There are a TON of low frequency Whites on the market. Probably more so than any other machine. They all use the same compatible coils. One would think Detech would come out with some SEF coils to tap this huge market. It would give new life to some old machines.
Mainly I'd like to see Whites come out with a new low frequency machine (they also hit harder on silver and copper coins at depth and penetrate ground minerals better) with new technology to get deeper than the old ones, along with some larger DD coils to push the depths even further. I am NOT a fan of the endless programming tweaks the high end Whites have these days. Much of that stuff should be handled by the detector automatically, like it is on the Minelabs.