As a past club president, I find it odd that (as usual) everyone bashes "clubs". Yet what they/you don't realize is that today's Internet forums have essentially REPLACED the "clubs" of yesteryear. Everyone today gets their show & tell, machine-tech. learning pro & con's, socializing , meeting other locals, etc... ALL from the comfort of their living room. They think they're a "lone ranger" and bash clubs. Without realizing that, essentially, times have just shifted to the internet for all the same exact functions.
And back in the club days, the gripers and whiners were no different. Everyone not lifting a finger, demanding answers, griping about better ways to do things, without ever lifting a finger. How nice, eh ? Oh sure, and you gripe that others are "just trying to learn your sites". And you think that human mentality (your own included) hasn't changed with the net ? If you meet someone in your area scarfing up on seateds and barbers, you don't think you'd be a "tad" bit curious to introduce yourself, learn what machine and site they hunt, etc... ? Yet you gripe if the tables are reversed ??
Everyone's perfectly willing to attend a group function and dig native targets when someone else organizes it and bashes their brains out to assemble a great site, great hunt, great club, etc... But the minute human nature enters in (of course you're mother Teresa not capable of error) then the griping and whining are sure to follow. I'd always see gripers and whiners at clubs, perhaps declining to attend. But boy-howdy when they needed info (beach erosion spot info, demolition site permission, etc...) they be SURE to pick up the phone and call you. Hmmmmm. Today's internet is no different . You have those that contribute and are positive. And you have those that whine and gripe.
Clubs only exist in the largest cities nowadays. The internet makes us lazy and people don't get off their duff's 1x p/month to attend meetings. And they can justify it with griping and whining about how things were run. Without ever being a part to contribute and lift a finger.