No matter what I do I can't get the Apex to pair with the wireless phones. I even tried my two other Z- Lynk phones that I use on a Gold Bug Pro and a G2. Nothing helped. Is there a step left out in the manual or a "trick" I don't know about? Went to a field with a pretty good wind blowing so I felt that I needed the phones. After numerous tries I gave up and went home. Never had this problem on my two previous At Max's. Also please read my questions I posted this morn. under "Update For The Apex". I bought one of the first Apex's when they first came out. Sold it two weeks later. Monte seems to have mastered them so I now giving a two day old Apex a new try. I loved my AT Max (two) and hope I can say the same about the Apex. You help is sincerely appreciated.