I'm not going to keep going back & forth with everybody who was sent here by Mike Scott to attempt to refute me....... He and first texas wants good little posters who will hype up everything hoping to stay on his good side for the next handout. Not people like me who question everything & tell it like it is.
I now hear through the grapevine they are adding a second full sized headphone jack. I know First Texas spends more time reading my posts than they do on anything else, so this great new idea should be 100% credited all to me. I've single handedly had the guts to stand up & declare on these forums for over a year, & in all the e-mails Mike likes to cut up & forward to everyone out of context, this needed to be done.
Go look at the archives. I have an e-mail only about a month or 2 old I can post here telling me once again it was too expensive to re-tool a bigger jack after I saw that German video.......But, then lo & behold guess what they suddenly decided to do
All this after they were telling their "field testers" to spin the small jacks off as a "good thing" & you could even use your cell phone ear piece! LOL
Yea right. But, heck no I'll never ever get credit for anything. I know exactly who will take all the credit, but that's OK because it's 100% clear now to everyone on Findmall F.Texas agreed with what Bill Ladd has been harping on all along. Why else would they have ever done a sudden 360 & relented to have spent that cash to do that re-tooling right after I saw the German video & e-mailed them again??
I wanted these Alpha betas the heck off the T2 forum, and we did that to some objections from the designers themselves....that obviously was an added wake up call to them also their mini headset jacks were a big issue & wasn't gonna fly in forums like this.....
It's now rather clear they need someone like me who's not afraid to post the truth, and do so with my
real screenname. Someone to stand up & kick some butt once & awhile & say this is crap rather then inexperienced minions who will hype up anything just as a thank you.....