You gosh darn right there Ed! Scottowl,
I'm thinking today a guy doesnt have to go 'full blown poor bum' anymore unless he really wants see that guy from Detroit who walked to work for 20yrs who got on the internet? People off the internet on that one site sent that guy over 200K just for the inspirational aspect of his story! Crowdfunding Baby! Lots of kids sitting around with no life of their own, but with money who will fund your adventure if you can keep them entertained!
A guy has to have a gimmick...back in the 70's a fellow carried a guitar or had a cute little dog as they walked along down the road, some even dragged a big wooden cross...not today....a fellow has to have a gimmick that resounds with the youth...a guy has to appear half crazy, the 'good kind' of harmless crazy that is, with great stories and interesting conversation and a reason for being on this vision quest...Like sticking it to the "Man'..kind of deal you capische?
Myself, I'm going with the 'Monsanto Marauder' superhero motif!...(got this idea from the Kick@ss movies)...get some of the Cosplay folks in my corner, have them come up with a foam costume like a superhero with a metal detector that travels the World fighting crime and Monsanto!..."Dr. Detecto", righter or wrongs, green hero of the Planet" kind of crap! maybe some sort of Jolly Green Giant kind of outfit with green tights with a metal detector looking weapon that sniffs out GMO corn or something to save the Planet?
Or maybe I'll fall in with this group called the 'Furries?' They seem well organized and rich! Maybe a full on pink Bunny suit? Walking down the highway with the detector dressed like a big pink bunny surely will draw some interest right? If a guy gets picked up by another Furry at the very least a fellow could assume he will be given some sort of sustinance like a carrot or something to nibble on?. Those Furrys are really something thought Anime was out of your league? Check those crazy bastards out! If you were ever interested in seeing a Koala attempt to stuff a Giraffe, then this is animal husbandry for you!
I dont know yet..anythings better than now, (I'm a married small business owner and taxpayer)...I sure dont want to drag a big cross or have a dog..both are huge responsibilities, and I cant play a guitar worth a damn..just playing to my strengths here is all....
I'm thinking today a guy doesnt have to go 'full blown poor bum' anymore unless he really wants see that guy from Detroit who walked to work for 20yrs who got on the internet? People off the internet on that one site sent that guy over 200K just for the inspirational aspect of his story! Crowdfunding Baby! Lots of kids sitting around with no life of their own, but with money who will fund your adventure if you can keep them entertained!
A guy has to have a gimmick...back in the 70's a fellow carried a guitar or had a cute little dog as they walked along down the road, some even dragged a big wooden cross...not today....a fellow has to have a gimmick that resounds with the youth...a guy has to appear half crazy, the 'good kind' of harmless crazy that is, with great stories and interesting conversation and a reason for being on this vision quest...Like sticking it to the "Man'..kind of deal you capische?
Myself, I'm going with the 'Monsanto Marauder' superhero motif!...(got this idea from the Kick@ss movies)...get some of the Cosplay folks in my corner, have them come up with a foam costume like a superhero with a metal detector that travels the World fighting crime and Monsanto!..."Dr. Detecto", righter or wrongs, green hero of the Planet" kind of crap! maybe some sort of Jolly Green Giant kind of outfit with green tights with a metal detector looking weapon that sniffs out GMO corn or something to save the Planet?
Or maybe I'll fall in with this group called the 'Furries?' They seem well organized and rich! Maybe a full on pink Bunny suit? Walking down the highway with the detector dressed like a big pink bunny surely will draw some interest right? If a guy gets picked up by another Furry at the very least a fellow could assume he will be given some sort of sustinance like a carrot or something to nibble on?. Those Furrys are really something thought Anime was out of your league? Check those crazy bastards out! If you were ever interested in seeing a Koala attempt to stuff a Giraffe, then this is animal husbandry for you!
I dont know yet..anythings better than now, (I'm a married small business owner and taxpayer)...I sure dont want to drag a big cross or have a dog..both are huge responsibilities, and I cant play a guitar worth a damn..just playing to my strengths here is all....