Ken in Georgia
New member
I just wanted everyone to know that one of the most underrated detectors on the market today is the Alpha 2000. I got one from Bart, gave to my Daughter and she loves it now. I took her to a park in the area I have hunted for the last 7 years. Now it's a Big park. But every detector I have owned has been there. and the park is not that old, its 45 years old, but every event the town has is there. Now I did a quick test on the Alpha, its an air test but the 8 inch coil is good all the way to but 8 to 8 1/2 inches in the ground, the 5 inch coil is a little shorter 7 1/2 to 8 inches. Now for the good stuff, my Daughter is 10 years old and loves to be a daddy's girl. I was hunting/ training her how to dig holes and detect targets. there was very little falsing in fact I ran the detector a little hot. She was hunting and digging up pennies and quarters and dimes. Now, I wanted her to learn that there's a lot of metal in the ground, so no type of Discrimination. The A2000 ran like a champ, it has 3 tone Identification, Low for iron, Mid tone for nickels to pull tabs, and High for Dimes to dollar coins. Now with that being said, She was nothing short of Amazing, Checking targets she was getting the hang of and let her go on her own just then she stop and said "Daddy this one is different" I said what makes it different ? she told me that this didn't need to be cleaned! Jumping out of the hole was a nice Walking half 1947!!! Wow it was 7 inches down and she hugged me and she did want to let go. I need to take her more often, I never got so many from her before. So, take a child Detecting and it will stick with them.